PHP Core / Functions / Multiple functions
"manoj", "mark" => 90, 'total_fee' => 5000, 'paid'=>1000, 'income'=>10000]; $marks = $student1['marks']; if ($marks>=60) { $grade = "First Division"; } else if($marks>=45) { $grade = "Second Division"; } else if($marks>=33) { $grade = "Third Division"; } else { $grade = "Fail"; } $pending_fee=$student1['total_fee']-$student1['paid']; if($student1['income']>2000){ echo 'Not eligible for scholarship'; } else{ echo 'Eligible for scholarship'; } $teacher1 =["name" => "manoj", "age" => 45, 'basic' => 5000, 'ta'=>1000, 'hra'=>10000]; $total_salary= $teacher1['basic']+$teacher1['ta']+$teacher1['hra']; if( $teacher1['age']>55){ echo 'Retirement Age'; } $bus1 =["no" => "kL0723", "model" => 2000, 'insurance' => '2023-08-10']; $next_test=2023-$bus1['model']; if($next_test>15){ echo 'Need re-test'; } ?> Note that the above code, we have implemented logic of three tasks, 1) find grade, 2) find pending fee , 3) find scholoarship eligibility
In this approach , the code maintance , modification and dubugging are not easy.Define separate functions based on each logic for making the code easier to maintain, modify and debug =60) { $grade = "First Division"; } else if($marks>=45) { $grade = "Second Division"; } else if($marks>=33) { $grade = "Third Division"; } else { $grade = "Fail"; } return $grade; } function findFee($total_fee, $paid ){ $pending_fee=$total_fee-$paid; } function findScholarship($income ){ if($income>2000){ echo 'Not eligible for scholarship'; } else{ echo 'Eligible for scholarship'; } } function findSalary(){ } function findRetirement(){ } function findRenewal(){ } ?>